About Us

Baptist Theological Academy (BTA), a conservative theological education center, equips generations of Christians to be useful ministers in the word of God. Indeed, its fundamental teaching on the word of God from a dispensational perspective creates a bright hope for educating earnest students of the Bible and also shapes them into an ideal pathway toward Christ-likeness.

BTA is committed to train faithful men and women to be able teach others also (2 Tim 2:2) and helps them achieve its goal to be approved of God, and not of men (2Tim. 2: 15). BTA also is committed to mold and shape its pupils to abide by bible based ethical disciplines which will make them useful vessel in the Master's hands. In contrast to the rapid rises of doctrinal declines in Christianity, BTA takes a stand for Word- centered academy so as to rightly divide the word of truth in order not to be ashamed (2Tim. 2: 15). For God's word and to the Glory of God, BTA stands!


Baptist Theological Academy sprung up as an institution "to earnestly contend for the faith which was once delivered to the saints" (Jude 3). Our motto is "the word of God for the work of God". As history proves, God carried out His work in accordance with His word. Any ministry that has no ground or root on the word of God is not worthy to be counted as the ministry of God.

Therefore, here at BTA, every effort is made to give the word of God the most important place and we broad based Word- centered academic curriculum that will help the student prepare for the ministry where to God had called. It is our trust that those who are established in the faith of the living and written word of God will only be effective instruments in the hand of God for the ministry of God.


With a rapid emergence on devaluation of the word of God, self-centered, cultured bound Christianity, our 21st century Christianity has sunk into a sea of compromise. But our unswerving faith and commitment to the scripture distinguished us from other non-biblical varieties. Our doctrinal system, being founded upon the infallibility of God's word, we encourage men and women "to study to show…. approved unto God" so that they will not be "ashamed" (2Tim.2: 15).

To accomplish this great task, Baptist Theological Academy prepares uncompromising theological system that will honor God and His word to generations to come, and also develops its curriculum from the irrevocable fundamentals of Christian faith. We believe, through Bible-based Academic standard and spiritual oriented atmosphere, a man of God can be thoroughly equipped, being approved of God he will never be ashamed in words or deeds in the sight of man and God to whom we will one day stand give our accounts before Him (Rom. 14: 12).


The very purpose of Baptist Theological Academy in training men and women is that they may be "Meet for the Master's Use" (2Tim 2: 21).

Giving a great importance to the purpose of God in "endowing gifts" to men (Eph. 4:12), and acknowledging the fact that God has given to each of us gift different from one another, Baptist Theological Academy offered course related to both Academic and ministerial skills. But, the overall purpose is to be "useful" for the master. .


The mission of Baptist Theological Academy in training men and women of God had a great expected outcome toward the trainees. In order to be “meet for the master’s use”, the institute provides both a sound theological curriculum wholly based on the word of God and practical opportunities to equip his or her spiritual life so that every trainee in Baptist Theological Academy will come:

  • SERVANT : The overall purpose of training men and women with the word of God is to make them become servants of God. Acknowledging the fact that a servant-heart is pivotal to Christian life as well as to Christian ministry, Baptist Theological Academy strives to teach its pupils to abide by the life and impact of our great Savior, Jesus Christ.
  • SERVICE : The overall emphasis of training men and women with the word of God is to bring them into the knowledge of God and thereby be available in the service of God. We believe that upon the calling of God in their lives, every student will be in the service of God after the completion of their studies at the institution.
  • SCHOLAR : Baptist Theological Academy is a place of life-learning center. However, the institution also aimed to produce students who will be faithfully standing on the inerrant word of God in our deteriorating world and be a scholar, great apologist, competent to every challenge in our Christendom and beyond.


Baptist Theological Academy is a conservative theological Institution whose purpose is to train men and women of born again believers for to be useful ministers of God. While we acknowledge that there are ample theological institutions elsewhere across Myanmar, BTA is fully committed to give the best theological education with Christian disciplines. The following are our distinct features:

B - Baptistic in its beliefs and practices

Baptist Theological Academy is a Baptist institution. This differentiates us from other bible schools in that all our beliefs and practices will conform to historic Baptist positions.

T - Theological Institute

Baptist Theological Academy is a theological institute. While there are so-called bible schools across Myanmar teaching other than Bible, we are distinct in that, we teach nothing other than Bible and bible related subjects. We are theological institute where people learn BIBLE.

A - Academic oriented and ministry minded

Baptist Theological Academy is an Academic Oriented Bible Institute with mission emphasis. We believe that a qualitative academic program produces a mission minded servant as a result of a proper understanding of the Bible. Baptist Theological Academy gives equal importance, while not minimizing one or the other, to both the academic and ministerial emphasis. We believe that being ministry minded is a product of a sound academic.